NOTE: This is a repost from my TDG blog which is no longer up. Ben trademarked the product I was selling for the CEO of Trim Down Global in attempt to blackmail her in to accepting a $50,000 settlement in her lawsuit against him for wrongful termination. Thankfully, though it isn't published, she was able to retrieve my posts for me which I am transferring here. On my OWN blog. Which Ben Glinsky will never be able to shut down. Here is my story (Part 2) You can read Part 1 here Well, it looks like I peed in someone's Cheerios. A member of my Skinny Body Care team needed help. I went to log in to my back office for Skinny Fiber and found my password had been changed. Odd. I didn't change it. So, I sent an email to [email protected] to reset it so I could log in and help my team mate. I waited for several hours and the email never came. So, I went to my Skinny Fiber website and I clicked to Pre-enroll as a prospect to find out what email address was on file (You can see it in the blue box as TEST TEST). I do have several that I juggle so it was possible I entered the wrong one. Instead, I found this: Ben Glinsky changed my account log in. All emails are going to "[email protected]" instead of me. What does this mean? Well, let me get you caught up: 1. I cannot log in. This means I can NOT help any of my Skinny Fiber customers with any orders they have placed. I cannot get order numbers. I cannot get return addresses. I cannot do anything if they need assistance. 2. I cannot log in to pay my auto ship for the month. If I do not pay my auto ship, I do not get my commissions that I've earned. (NOT that I am getting them anyway, see this post) I no longer can see my earnings so now I won't know how much additional earning I am owed that remains unpaid. 3. I cannot help any of my team members with geneology or volume questions, or any other questions they may have about their businesses. Basically, Ben has made it where I am forced to go inactive. And the $3000+ in commissions I have earned, he will keep them. Nice huh! I'm expected to keep promoting Skinny Fiber and the Skinny Body Care opportunity for FREE. He makes all the money. I get nothing. There are SO many of you coming out and offering encouragement, support and validation. I am SO SORRY to all of you who have had problems with Ben, Skinny Body Care and Skinny Fiber. I do have a team of lawyers I've been talking with. And they are chomping at the bit to talk to MORE of us who have been wronged by Ben Glinsky and Skinny Body Care. Anyone who has a story to tell and wants to be heard, let me know and I will put you in touch. It doesn't take much to start a class action lawsuit.
The TIME Is NOW to put an end to the tyranny and corruption in this company. Whether you are a present or former Skinny Fiber customer who is owed product or a refund that you never received or a present or former Skinny Body Care distributor, you can be included! You know where to find me. =) A friend of mine who was my up line in my former company wrote this blog post in February/March 2015 on her blog. I am re-posting here with permission and encourage everyone to read the next few blog posts regarding Skinny Body Care, Skinny Fiber and Ben Glinsksy. Here is her story (Part 1) My Skinny Fiber journey began in July of 2012. I purchased one bottle and decided to give it a try. I'd used so many other products before that I figured "What's one more, right?" I started using it. I missed doses here and there. I didn't get any dramatic weight loss right away. But I kept taking it. I was told I was "detoxing" and to be patient. I was a bit disgruntled about weight loss products in general and decided I was not going to radically change my diet or add exercise. I wanted to see how great this product really was for the average person. Yes, people like YOU and me who KNOW we should exercise and eat right, but let's be honest....we like food and we are busy and sometimes, it just doesn't work out the way we intend. After about the 3rd or 4th bottle of Skinny Fiber, I started "melting". By the 5th month, I was down 37 pounds. And I was pretty happy! And I was sharing it with everyone who'd listen! Around July 2013, something happened. Skinny Fiber changed. Skinny Body Care's official statement was that the Caralluma was upgraded to a higher quality, therefore Skinny Fiber would work better. When the new capsules arrived, they were lighter. Some of them weren't completely filled with the powder. They no longer had the "peppery" smell and the color of the contents was almost white, compared to the brown it was before. What also changed was customer feedback. My personal customers and even some of my team members stated they no longer had that "full feeling" that they once had. New customers stated they didn't notice any difference while using it. Still, others stated it was working great and they were happy. I was told by my SBC up line that those who were complaining that the new Skinny Fiber didn't work were either not drinking enough water (though many were drinking 1/2 to a full gallon of water every day). Surely THAT is enough water? I was also told that my customers MUST be lying about what they are eating. Or that they were lying about actually taking Skinny Fiber and were just "trouble makers" and I should just "block" them so they wouldn't bother me anymore. Not exactly sound business advice there. Still, I stayed with Skinny Body Care. After all, I had built an amazing team and we worked our butts off to help our customers and our team. We were told to stay the course, be patient, that we were hitting "momentum" and every call, every webinar, every training session promised "HUGE" returns if we continued to pay our auto ships. Well, I am a reasonable person so I knew business has its ups and downs and that "this too shall pass". Only it didn't pass. I waited 12 months for it to "Explode" again and that still has not happened. Over 2014 I watched my earning slowly take a nose dive. And when I say "nose dive", I mean a 75% decrease in earnings over 12 months. 75%!!! That's like...WOW. THAT got my attention. For example, this is what I was making one year ago as a Diamond ranked Distributor: Not too shabby for a home business, eh?!! But as they say, all good things must come to an end....This is what I've made now, 12 months later: Not bad. Certainly more than most people make in a home business. Now, you may be wondering WHY there is over $3,000 in earnings that are UNPAID. Well, let me fill you in on that saga:
Back in November 2014 I started searching for an additional company to join. I figured that my earnings with Skinny Body Care were never going to get back to what they were. So it was time to start an additional income stream to make up the difference. I had no intentions of leaving Skinny Body Care, but I needed to make up the income that I lost over the past year. I found a company that I liked, whose products were awesome and I thought "PERFECT!" So, I joined. And then the drama started. People's butts got hurt and next thing I know, the CEO of Skinny Body Care suspended my pay. Why? An allegation of "Cross Recruiting". Now, for those of you who are not familiar with MLM terminology, cross recruiting would take place if I went to someone in Skinny Body Care, whom I did not personally recruit myself, and I try to get them to join me in my new company. That is NOT what I did. What I did was start promoting my 2nd company on my Facebook timeline. Because I was considered a "leader" with Skinny Body Care, I had a large following of people from all over the globe, including other distributors for Skinny Body Care who I had helped train even though they were not my direct enrollees. Now, keep in mind that ANYONE can follow you on social media. You don't have to be "friends". I have nearly 4,000 followers just on Facebook alone. I had many people inquire about the new company and some joined. The thing is, they came to me, I did not seek them out. And not all of them were from Skinny Body Care. I had people from Younique, It Works, name it all wanting to know what the "new" thing was. Most were interested in the product. Some were interested in the business. I simply provided the information they asked for. The CEO of Skinny Body Care, Ben Glinsky, decided he was redefining "cross recruiting" to include ANY form of advertising another company despite an email he sent to one of my Skinny Body Care team members declaring that we could be with "as many MLMs as [we] want". So, say I throw up a billboard in Los Angeles promoting something other than Skinny Body Care. According to Ben's new definition, that is cross recruiting other people to the new company. Ridiculous, right?!! So, initially, I was "suspended" for 30 days. I was told after 30 days I would get my earnings paid if I stop "cross recruiting". Well, I'm NOT cross recruiting so I figured, "whatever". I waited out the 30 days. I even paid my auto ship. 30 days came and went and still no pay. I contacted Ben and was told "You are still cross recruiting". Whatever. Nevermind that Ben is already starting up a new MLM that involves weight loss (Check out Valentus) but who am I to call the kettle black? Obviously what is good for the Gander doesn't apply to this goose! So here's the dilemma: 1.If I don't continue to pay my auto ship, I will lose all of my commissions that are owed to me unless I sue Skinny Body Care for them. 2. If I quit altogether, I lose my commissions unless I sue for them. 3. Ben will not terminate me because he knows I am not cross recruiting. If he terminates me, I can sue for wrongful termination. If he terminates me, I still lose my commissions that are owed to me unless I sue him. 4. Lawsuits can take years to litigate. Ben has millions he can spend to waste my time in court and make me bankrupt. So, what's a girl to do? Continue paying for a product that I am no longer using just to receive commissions that are being held hostage by a bully CEO? That makes no sense. Stop promoting my other companies so I can get paid by Skinny Body Care? Um obviously that didn't work out last month as I am still unpaid. Or, option C. C is always the right answer, right?!! LOL C: Start over with a new company. Rock the products, rock the business plan and go be awesome. Let the real friends and followers join. Forget about the ridiculousness of the past. Contact a lawyer. So here I am. A "Globalite". Yes, I came up with that nickname for everyone who left Skinny Body Care and joined Trim Down Global. I watched for a year as more and more people moved on. Yet I remained, in private chats with leaders of Skinny Body Care. I participated in the "Trim Down Global" bashing. Oh yes. Me. I made fun of them right along with the rest of the leadership. I am not proud. I said some things that make me cringe now. I was being a follower....going with the 'cool kids" crowd instead of being the leader everyone thought I was. It was like being in high school and watching the cool kids taunt and torment the "nerds" and saying nothing, or even joining in because you don't want to be THE ONE who steps up and defends the nerds. Yes, I knew it was wrong. I am embarrassed to admit that I, yes, I was an SBC asshole because I went along with it. For awhile anyway. Thank God I am a nerdy Globalite now. Thank God I saw that Skinny Body Care is not what I thought it was. Thank GOD I woke up and realized that PEOPLE are more important than money. As for the products with Trim Down Global. All I can say is YES! It is better than Skinny Fiber. And NOT because I am pissed off at Ben Glinsky. But because it is the truth. From the first dose, I had that full feeling again. I actually got mad yesterday because I went to eat a bacon cheeseburger and even though it had been a good 4 hours since I had taken Trim Down Fiber + and the Trim Down Fat Burner, I could barely get HALF of the burger down. With Skinny Fiber in it's present form, I could have eaten the whole burger plus gems plus whatever else. Not so with TDF+. I've been using TDF+ and the TDFB for about a month. I am down 7 inches (at last measure) and I still have capsules left in both bottles. I've missed days here and there, just like with Skinny Fiber, yet SEVEN INCHES!!! That did not happen with the old Skinny Fiber formula and certainly not with the new formula or "improved" formula or whatever they want to call it. From a business perspective, I see many positives:
Wendy Royer is available, directly, to her company and it's affiliates. Ben Glinsky certainly NEVER called me to offer help. He's never taken a vested interest in anyone but the "Top Earners". If someone isn't successful, he blames them. Wendy works hand in hand with all of the affiliates, calling them, emailing, Facebooking, she truly supports all of us and is constantly asking for feedback. I love that! I am not just a revenue generator for Wendy. I am a person. And she make me feel important even when I was keeping my TDG position and usage a "secret" to avoid backlash from Skinny Body Care. So, there it is. In a nut shell and edited for content and length. Now that this is out of the way, I can get on with the true purpose of this blog which is to document my Trim Down Global journey to better health and in due time, wealth as well. With a little bit of fun and sarcasm sprinkled in here for entertainment value ;) |
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